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Work in progress (2011-2020).
Series on expanding the church of the Blessed Virgin Mary Queen of Poland in Stroże, “axis mundi” of the local community.
In 1910 a brickworks was opened in Stróże, Southern Poland. The bricks produced there were used to build a local church. The preparation started in 1917. The church’s construction process fully began in 1918 – that year Poland regained independence after 123 years. In 2012 the brickworks was shut down and than destroyed in 2014. The last batch of bricks was used to expand the church. The added part took the place of the former school. The old part of the temple was renovated, then united with the new one.
Part of my foreword from the book
“The first images from the series on the expansion of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary The Queen of Poland in Stróże I took in January 2011.
[…] The theme of expansion did not immediately fascinate me. […] The decisive moment was the shutdown of the local brickwork (2012), where my grandfather used to work. The bricks produced there were used to build this parish church 100 years ago.
[…] As written in the act of laying the cornerstone from 1919:
“The construction of this holy temple began after the glorious resurrection was brought to Poland by the cruel World War I when the Church of God was successfully ruled by Pope Benedict XV […].”
History has come full circle. The last batch of bricks from the brickwork was used to expand the church. Its added part took the place of the former school. The old part of the temple was renovated and then united with the new one.”